What I Wants and Needed

What I Wants and Needed
What ever....I just wanna be a Good Woman

Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

Growing up

For a long time I never see my blog
But today I missed my blog
hello .... how are you ....?

I want to say something and whatever it is
About my feelings, my mind and what I want to...
About my dream and my fantasy


Today I tell you about my fantasy for so many years ago
I always fantasized being a little girl
The always gloomy and solitary
Playing in the meadow and pick wild flowers
Playing with small birds
And sitting on the edge of the lake where the water is green

 When it rains I run around the middle of the prairie
Letting my face, my hair and my body soaking wet
After that I would come home and bathe in warm water and then drink a cup of hot chocolate and sit in front of the fireplace
Listen to the hum of my own until I fall asleep
hmmm .........

 Then I spent my days until the time came a princely kind and loving toward me with great warmth
Wiping my tears, stroking my hair full of tenderness and cheer me with him ​​melodious voice and gently
And then I'll live happily forever with him

hmm.... now I remember that and wide smile my self

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